Chair Yoga
for Individuals with Special Needs
Fridays 10-11am
Located at Project Hope
1796 Adelaide St North
This is a unique class that welcomes students with a variety of physical and mental abilities. We begin with a gentle warmup to mobilize the joints, followed by basic seated yoga poses. The class ends with meditation and massage. Solo and partner poses are done with the help of the instructor and the students’ attendant staff, and are adapted to each individual’s range of motion, strength and preferences. Instructor Bizz Varty brings her love of music to the class by singing songs that inspire students’ movement.
Most students are in wheelchairs or use walkers, but not all. The class includes individuals who are verbal, non-verbal, blind, with limited sight, have cerebral palsy, and other physical, mental, and developmental challenges.
This class is currently full, but we are seeking volunteer assistants so that we can add more students. If you are interested in volunteering, or in signing up for the class, email Bizz at centreofmovementarts@gmail.com.

Volunteers Needed!
The Centre of Movement Arts is looking for volunteer assistants to help Bizz teach Chair Yoga for individuals with special needs. This is a unique opportunity for yoga teachers in training and other movement/body workers to learn ways of adapting yoga for students with a wide variety of abilities.
This is an unpaid position, but there is potential for some paid work later on as a supply teacher. Interested teachers are invited to sit in on a class.
Interested? Contact Bizz directly at 226-919-8969 or email centreofmovementarts@gmail.com