DO Community Cast Workshops & Info

Open to all ages and abilities. No experience necessary!

Join director and choreographer Bizz Varty to be part of a fun and unique arts experience.

The Community Cast of dancers will include volunteers of all ages and all experience levels. They will perform in either the “Book Bop” at Carson Library and along the tour route, or the “Pirate Battle” at Lorne Ave. 

Community cast dancers will learn the dance in a free workshop and participate in the on-site dress rehearsal and performance in September.

Register for a FREE Workshop
To participate in the community cast, please fill out this form and choose one or more workshops to learn the moves. Then perform alongside the professional cast in September!

Read more about the dances and workshops below, and click here to register.

We will be adding more workshops to this list as they are booked. Please let us know if you’d like to host one!

Tuesday, August 27, 5:30-6:30pm, including info session
Carson Library, 465 Quebec St (OUTDOORS! Weather permitting)
Learn the Book Bop Register now!

Thursday September 5, 5:30-7pm
North London Dance Centre, 1055 Sarnia Rd
Learn the Pirate Battle + Book Bop Register now!
BONUS: Come for Doors Open and stay to learn the LDF Dance Mob choreo!

Saturday September 7, 10:30pm-12pm
Western Fair Market / Queen’s Park, 925 King St
Outdoor Workshop in Queen’s Park + Info Session & Coffee in the Market
Learn the Book Bop Register now!

Saturday September 7, 2-4pm
Sound in Motion, 1570 Highbury Ave N
Learn the Pirate Battle + Book Bop Register now!
BONUS: Come for Doors Open and stay to learn the LDF Dance Mob choreo!

Sunday September 15, 10am-12pm
Lorne Ave Park, 723 Lorne Ave
Learn the Book Bop + Pirate Battle Register now!

Wednesday, September 18, 4-5pm, including info session
Carson Library, 465 Quebec St (OUTDOORS! Weather permitting)
Learn the Book Bop Register now!

Time Commitment & Schedule
Community cast dancers will be committing to 2-3 hours of preparation, plus one or both of the two performance days. Dancers will prepare by learning the dance in a workshop (1-2 hours) and will be provided with a video to help them learn and practice the moves at home. Then they’ll come together with the core cast for an on-site dress rehearsal (1-2 hours) will be held the week of September 15th (date and time TBA). The performance-tour will take place from 11am-12pm and 1-2pm on September 21 and 22. Community cast dancers may choose to participate in one or both days. 

The Book Bop is a very simple and super adaptable dance designed for community participants of all abilities. It will be particularly appealing for folks with limited mobility or short working memories, and for OEV neighbourhood residents on the tour route who would like to perform on their doorsteps.

Participants will repeat a series of simple limb and head movements while holding a book. They can do the dance standing or seated, and can use arms, legs, tools, or work with a partner to hold the book. The movements will all be done on one spot. The choreography will be about one minute long and will repeat on a loop for about 5 minutes during each tour. See a preview here!

The Pirate Battle is an active dance number with a variety of roles for different family members. Participants will learn jig-type dance steps and stage fighting techniques. Kids will engage in theatrical swordplay with pool noodles and adults may be asked to play the part of hostages and walk the plank.

This dance is adaptable to fit different abilities, and folks with disabilities are welcome to participate. Participants need to be able to traverse some of the space in Lorne Ave Park (across pavement or grass) and make menacing pirate faces. They will dance for about 5 minutes during each tour.

Benefits of Participating
Community Cast dancers will have fun and move their bodies while participating in the art of dance. They’ll learn new moves and choreography, as well as learning about the development and production of a large performance event. They’ll meet new people and volunteer to help bring a positive and accessible arts experience to Londoners. They’ll participate in a unique, large-cast, site-specific production and they can invite friends and family to join the fun alongside them! The volunteer hours can be used to fulfil your high school volunteer requirements. 

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED We’re also looking for volunteer dancers of all ages and abilities to join our Youth Core Cast, plus general volunteers to help with the tour. Contact us or see the website for more info!