Doors Open Project: Auditions

Sunday June 23, 2024 12-2pm
Sound in Motion Studio, 1570 Highbury Ave North

Info session for dancers and parents from 12-12:30pm
Audition from 12:30-2pm

Please Pre-Register Here!

Photo by Mark Spowart Dancers Olivia Zess and Ashley Wheeler

The Centre of Movement Arts is auditioning dancers ages 9-16 for an upcoming choreography project by Bizz Varty. The movement will be contemporary-based, and dancers should have at least 2 years of dance training or self study. Dancers of all styles are welcome. Dress in comfortable dance attire and shoes or bare feet. 

8-10 Dancers will be chosen for the core cast of “Ahead by a Century: A London Childhood 100 years ago.” The project will involve a walking tour in Old East Village with pop up performances at specific locations. There will be four performances, two each day on September 21 and 22, at 11am and 1pm. Dancers will learn and perform approximately 15 minutes of dance during each hour-long tour.

Dancers must be available for 2-3 rehearsal sessions in July and August (dates and times TBD, most likely weekends), as well as a dress rehearsal in September (date TBD). This is an unpaid position.

Please note: All audition participants will be invited to perform in the Doors Open project, however 8-10 dancers will be chosen for lead roles. Lead dancers will have a greater time commitment for learning the dance. Later in the summer there will be a community participation workshop for non-lead dancers to learn and perform a smaller section of the choreography. This will be open to anyone with any experience and will require a smaller time commitment.

We will also be looking for parent and teen volunteers to help supervise dancers, guide audiences on the tour and generally help out with the event.

Questions? Email

More info on the project coming soon…. stay tuned! 

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